Find numbers between 100 to 200 which divisible by 7 and calculate number sum

Q. Write a C program to find the numbers and their sum between 100 to 200 which are divisible by 7.


Q. Write a C program to accept two randomly number from user and find out the numbers and their sum which are divisible by user entered number.  


/*c program for find the number between 100 to 200 which are divisible by 7 and also calculate these number sum*/

int main()

 int n1,n2,div,sum=0;
 printf("Note: First number must be less then to second number\n\n");
 printf("Enter first number: ");
 scanf("%d", &n1);
 printf("Enter second number: ");
 scanf("%d", &n2);
 printf("Enter divisor: ");
 scanf("%d", &div);
 printf("Numbers that are divisor by %d :\n",div);
 for(n1; n1<=n2; n1++)
 printf("\nSum of numbers that are divisible by %d = %d",div,sum);
 return 0;


Output of find the number between 100 to 200 which are  divisible by 7 and these numbers sum
Screen shot find the number between 100 to 200 which are
 divisible by 7 and  calculate its number sum C program
